Pathology: neurofibroma
Neurofibroma, localized intraneural
Circumscribed; hypocellular; spindle-stellate cells with higgledy-piggledy pattern
Eosinophilic cytoplasm
Ovoid nuclei with scattered hyperchromasia and mild atypia; inconspicuous mitotic activity
Myxoid stroma with prominent bundles of collagen fibres and occasional mast cells
IHC: S100, CD34 (note "fingerprint" pattern), epithelial membrane antigen
Neurofibroma, localized intraneural
Circumscribed; hypocellular; spindle-stellate cells with higgledy-piggledy pattern
Eosinophilic cytoplasm
Ovoid nuclei with scattered hyperchromasia and mild atypia; inconspicuous mitotic activity
Myxoid stroma with prominent bundles of collagen fibres and occasional mast cells
Neurofibroma, localized intraneural
Circumscribed; hypocellular; spindle-stellate cells with higgledy-piggledy pattern
Eosinophilic cytoplasm
Ovoid nuclei with scattered hyperchromasia and mild atypia; inconspicuous mitotic activity
Myxoid stroma with prominent bundles of collagen fibres and occasional mast cells
IHC: CD34, S100
Hypocellular; spindle cells with higgledy-piggledy pattern
Eosinophilic cytoplasm
Ovoid nuclei with scattered hyperchromasia and atypia; inconspicuous mitotic activity
Myxoid stroma with small bundles of collagen fibres and occasional mast cells
IHC: S100
Neurofibroma, diffuse cutaneous
Hypocellular; spindle cells with loose fascicular to higgledy-piggledy pattern
Eosinophilic cytoplasm
Ovoid nuclei with hyperchromasia and mild atypia; inconspicuous mitotic activity
Interdigitation around adnexal structures
IHC: S100, CD34
Neurofibroma, diffuse cutaneous
Hypocellular; spindle cells with loose fascicular to higgledy-piggledy pattern
Eosinophilic cytoplasm
Ovoid nuclei with hyperchromasia and mild atypia; inconspicuous mitotic activity
Interdigitation around adnexal structures
Neurofibroma, diffuse cutaneous
Hypocellular; spindle cells with loose fascicular to higgledy-piggledy pattern
Eosinophilic cytoplasm
Ovoid nuclei with hyperchromasia and mild atypia; inconspicuous mitotic activity
Interdigitation around adnexal structures
IHC: Melan-A, S100, SOX10
PMID: 23715161
Neurofibroma, plexiform
Plexiform; hypocelluar; spindle cells with higgledy-piggledy pattern
Eosinophilic cytoplasm
Ovoid nuclei with hyperchromasia; inconspicuous mitotic activity
Myxoid stroma with small bundles of collagen fibres
IHC: S100, CD34, EMA