Pathology: cellular angiofibroma
Cellular angiofibroma
Circumscribed; mild-moderate cellularity; spindle cells with loose fascicular pattern
Scant eosinophilic cytoplasm
Ovoid nuclei with areas of palisading; inconspicuous mitotic activity
Abundant delicate collagen fibres; prominent ectatic small-medium sized thick-walled vessels
IHC: CD34, RB1
Cellular angiofibroma
Circumscribed; mild-moderate cellularity; spindle cells with loose fascicular pattern
Scant amphophilic cytoplasm
Ovoid nuclei with areas of palisading; inconspicuous mitotic activity
Delicate collagen fibres; prominent ectatic small-medium sized vessels with hyalinized walls; aggregates of mature adipocytes
Cellular angiofibroma
Circumscribed; mild-moderate cellularity; spindle cells with loose fascicular pattern
Scant amphophilic cytoplasm
Ovoid nuclei with areas of palisading; inconspicuous mitotic activity
Delicate collagen fibres; prominent ectatic small-medium sized vessels with hyalinized walls
IHC: CD34, RB1